Saturday 11 July 2015

Islamic State's Leader Killed By US-Led Drone

Hafiz Saeed, one of Islamic State’s leader, was among more than 30 ISIS terrorists killed by the remote-controlled US attack aircraft in Afghanistan.

According to the US intelligence agency, the extremists had gathered to plot more terror attacks in the Achin district of Nangahar Province on Friday. And Afghani spies were watching and used a drone strike to kill top ISIS commander.
TERRORIST: Hafiz Saeed joined Isis from the Taliban in January
Reportedly, security forces have recovered and identified Saeed’s body.It is not the first time Saeed, also known as Hafiz Saeed Khan, a former member of the Pakistani Taliban who defected to ISIS in January, has been reported killed. In April, rumours surfaced that Saeed had been blown up while planting a bomb.

DRONE: It is only the third time the US has used drones against ISIS in the region
He was the most prominent of a group of fighters who appeared in a video in January, apparently filmed in Pakistan, pledging allegiance to ISIS.
The strike is only the third time US-led coalition forces have used drones against ISIS in Afghanistan.

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